Frequently Asked Questions
All individuals employed by UP, regardless of their employment status (Permanent or Temporary) or salary source from UP's General Fund, Revolving Fund or Trust Fund, are eligible for membership. This includes regular, full-time, part-time, substitute, casual or contractual and employees hired through Contract of Services (COS).
However, membership eligibility excludes emergency staff, graduate assistants, lecturers, and Professors Emeriti.
Credit and Savings Facilities Available to the Members of the U.P. Credit Cooperative
In the light of the purposes, goals, and principles/values for which the UPCC operates, the following savings and credit facilities/services and other benefits are provided for its members:
- Savings Facility. As a member, one may open savings account and time deposit with highly competitive interests.
- Lending Facility. The UP Credit Cooperative has several lending programs which are designed to meet the increasing needs of members and are based on their investment and capacity to pay. These are:
- Salary Loan/Personal
- Multi-Purpose Loan
- PERA Loan
- Bridge Loan
- Special Seasonal Benefit Loan
- Productivity Loan
- Income Augmentation Loan
- Computer Loan
- Special Occasion Loan
What are the Other Benefits Available to the Members of the UP Credit Cooperative?
- Interest Refund. Upon renewal of existing loan, the interest corresponding to the loan balance is returned to the member-borrower through the voucher of the loan applied for.
- Cash Dividend. It is given as interest on fixed deposit and premium deposits or capital build-up out of net savings.
- Patronage Refund. It is the amount of interest returned to the member-borrower for patronizing the services of the Cooperative. Any member who avail of the credit services, gets back interest in proportion to his/her volume of business transactions.
- Educational Benefit. The Cooperative, through its Membership, Education and Training Committee conducts continuing orientation/reorientation and other knowledge-enhancing programs to sustain the bond of interests of the members towards a better performance of the Cooperative. As sufficient funds become available, financial assistance program for vocational courses and degree courses may be implemented.
- Loan Redemption Insurance (LRI) Guarantee. The member is guaranteed a redemption of loan balance of a deceased member.
- Death Assistance Benefit. This is intended to enhance the cooperative spirit by providing financial assistance to the bereaved family of a deceased member. Covered are registered regular members whose beneficiaries shall receive an amount equal to the total individual contribution of Ten Pesos (Php 10.00) each from registered members of the Cooperative as of the date of the member.
- Retirement Benefit. The purpose of the Retirement Benefit Plan is to institutionalize mutual help and cooperation among members. Covered are all regular members of the Cooperative who are in the active service. Membership of this Plan ceases automatically ceases upon retirement of the member or upon separation from the University. The amount of benefits under this Plan is the total contribution of individual regular member based on length of membership of the retiring/resigning member and the contributing member. In case of death of the retiring member/retiree, the designated beneficiary in the Death Assistance Benefit Plan shall automatically be deemed beneficiary under this Plan.
- Mutual Aid Benefit. The purpose of this Plan is to extend financial assistance to every member of the Cooperative in case of death of any of his/her dependents. The individual member’s contribution of Php 2.00 each is given to his family upon the death of a member’s dependent. Each claim has to be supported by duly authenticated documents as proof of relationship of the claimant and the deceased member of the family and should filed within 180 days upon the death of such dependent.
Every member of the Cooperative shall maintain a deposit of a minimum of five hundred pesos (Php 500.00) to carry out the purposes of the three (3) Plans such as: Death Assistance Benefit, Retirement Benefit and Mutual Aid Benefit. Funds for these plans are held in trust by the Cooperative.
Eligible UP employees may become a UPCC member by completing and submitting the following forms (download below):